Team Selection
As we are a nomadic side, team selection relies upon close communication between members.
A match manager is responsible for arranging the team for each match. His name will be listed against the relevant fixture on the fixture list.
The then current match manager will hold a batch of cards – one for each fixture – onto which he will enter the names of those interested in playing in any particular match. Those cards should be brought to each match, but you can contact the relevant match manager to get your name on the appropriate card for any fixture (even if it is many weeks ahead and beyond that match manager’s period). The fixture list has e mail links for match managers.
Simply expressing an interest in this way does not commit you to playing in that match (nor guarantee selection). That only happens when you have been “ticked off” by the match manager in the week or so leading up to the game.
Having put your name on the cards for a game, you should expect to have contact with the match manager in the week or so leading up to the game. If you have not heard from him at that stage, by all means contact him directly.
We find that new players sometimes feel a little reluctant to put themselves forward for selection – please don’t be! The job of match managers is a difficult one – by actively volunteering to play in specified fixtures, you can make their job easier. If you are asked, however, please do respond. Match managers may be ringing or texting lots of players and/or sending out many e mails. It helps them greatly if you do respond, even where you are definitely not available, so they do not waste time making follow-up calls.
If you have put your name down for a fixture and subsequently find that you cannot play in it, please ensure that your name is removed from the relevant card. The current match manager can do that for you if you wish (or contact the match manager for the fixture in question).
Matters of team selection are at the discretion of the match manager and the captain. We aim to give a fair chance to all players, whilst recognising the need to keep a balanced side, to ensure that we provide a reasonable match for the opposition. Although we are rarely over-